Data democratization is more than just accessible data. It is when you make data accessible to your stakeholders and employees while educating them on how to use it.
Session replays recreate events and activities to give a video-type representation of your visitors' interaction with your site. know why you need session replay & session replay can be used
Adobe Analytics has left most users frustrated with its complexity. Although it might be leading in terms of features and usability, it might not be the right fit for some organizations.
Basically click tracking is a tool used to track clicks and taps on your website. So, when people visit your website and click on there, your click tracking tool records and documents these clicks.
The tech stack provides your product team with all the tools they need to build a foolproof product that meets all your customer's needs, resulting in success.
Product metrics is data on what kind interactions customers have with your product or website. It also shows how these interactions impact your digital presence and business.