70 Best Survey Questions for your Next Customer Survey

A customer suggesting your product to others is the best feeling; that gives so much happiness that you have finally achieved delighting the customer.

There are so many ways to satisfy your customers and make them come back to you.

One way is to actually know if you have really satisfied them or not.

Surveying your customers lets you understand them and improve in all ways possible.

Here are the customer survey questions for your next feedback:

  1. Demographic survey questions
  2. Psychographics survey questions
  3. Customer experience survey questions
  4. Customer support experience survey questions
  5. Product usage survey questions
  6. NPS survey questions
  7. Open-ended survey questions

Demographic survey questions for your customer feedback

Knowing the primary and foremost details about your customers lets you verify and understand the accurate target for your customers.

  1. How old are you?
    This survey question on your feedback lets you understand what age group you need to target. Which age group needs and uses your product?
  2. Where do you live?
    This survey question on your feedback lets you understand the geographical location. Which natives do you need to target?
  3. What gender do you identify as?
    This survey question on your feedback lets you understand which gender most uses and needs your product. This is not biased, but there are a few options where you have a chance of finding the answer to which gender you need to target. But never forget to include and give privacy space to your customer regarding their gender; always have "prefer not to say" as one of your options.
  4. What is your marital status?
    Marital status is also one of the important customer segmentation options. Knowing your customer's marital status can help you analyze or segment your customers and determine why they need the product or service. This is optional when it comes to a digital product, but with e-commerce sites, this creates a better impact with the marketing of similar products according to the marital status of the targeted groups.
  5. What is your annual household income?
    Annual household income is another important survey question on your feedback that lets you understand the affordability of your customers. It does matter when you sell luxury products like cars, properties, and more.
  6. Please specify your religion.
    Depending on your product, asking about religion can make more sense. If your product is behavior- or ritual-based, Make sure you have options for "Not applicable" and "Prefer not to say."
  7. Communicable language.
    This survey question on your feedback lets you understand which language speaker or community of people uses and needs your product the most. This helps when you start marketing in their own language, which sometimes builds more trust between users and businesses.
  8. What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed?
    This survey question on your feedback lets you understand the educational interests of the people and their need for your product.

Psychographics survey questions for your customer feedback

  1. What is the one thing that you value the most?
    This survey question on your feedback lets you understand the type of personality of the person and what they value. Let's say you sell baby toys, your target audience is not babies but maternal mothers. If a maternal mother values her baby's happiness the most, then it is your chance to give a convincing sales pitch to her.
  2. What do you do on the weekend?
    This survey question on your feedback lets you understand what they love to do apart from weekday work and a disciplined life Knowing what their weekend favorite thing to do is is knowing what refreshes them. Let's say you have a beach resort. Knowing one's interest in relaxing at a beach resort on the weekends is the right opportunity for you.
  3. What is your favorite hobby?
    This survey question on your feedback lets you understand what they love to do, apart from all the responsibilities. For example, sports, and art can be done daily in order to relax or achieve a goal.
  4. Which is your favorite spot to hang out?
    This survey question on your feedback will help you understand where the targeted age group or community of people hang out. This will help if you have a good ambiance-filling location or make your marketing easier.
  5. What is your preferred shopping brand?
    This survey question on your feedback lets you understand what the targeted people are interested in in terms of products, technology, or designs.
  6. Do you prefer online shopping over offline?
    This survey question on your feedback lets you understand how the targeted audience is interested and willing to make an effort to buy products. Also, how much of an opportunity do you have as an e-commerce business?
  7. Which do you prefer workouts rather than being cozy?
    This survey question on your feedback lets you understand how the targeted audience is interested and willing to make efforts on physically active and willing to make efforts towards self-discipline.
  8. Do you prioritize your passion over your professional life?
    This survey question on your feedback lets you understand how the targeted audience is interested financially; if they are choosing the professional life, it means either they make more money or enough money that they are satisfied with. If they are choosing passion, they are living a lifestyle that is simply not interesting, yet needed to survive.
  9. What entertains you the most?
    This survey question on your feedback lets you understand how the targeted audience is interested in their enjoyment, which gives too many open marketing opportunities to the entertainment industry.
  10. When was your last vacation and where was it?
    This survey question on your feedback will help you understand how much the targeted audience is interested in exploring, spending, and taking risks. You can also understand their savings style and travel cycle.

Note: These psychographic customer survey questions are just examples and can be used only on relevant industries, use cases, and targeted audiences. Do not randomly use psychographic survey questions, which can lead to doubting privacy and being too revealing.

Read More: What is Psychographics Data - Types with Examples

Customer experience survey questions for your customer feedback

  1. How satisfied are you with your current experience on a scale of 1 to 10?
  2. How possibly are you going to buy from us again?
  3. How can we make your experience with the business better?
  4. How willing are you to visit our website again?
  5. What can our professionals do better?
  6. Please rate our employee's performance in identifying and solving your concern.
  7. Why did you prefer us rather than our competitor's product?
  8. How can we contribute to improving your experience on the site?
  9. Do you happen to agree that your problem was successfully fixed?
  10. Are you willing to interact about upgrade options for the product?

Customer support experience survey questions for your customer feedback

  1. How satisfied are you with the customer support consultant you interacted with on a scale of 1 – 10? - 1 = disappointed; 10 = delighted
  2. What recommendations do you have to improve our overall customer support experience?
  3. How would you score the aggregate performance of your customer service experience? - 1 = poor; 10 = fantastic
  4. Was the customer support consultant pleasant and helpful?
  5. In a few words, how would you reflect on your customer support experience with us?
  6. Was your problem satisfactorily resolved by the customer support consultant?
  7. Do you have any other thoughts?
  8. What was your favorite part of your customer support experience with us?
  9. What can we do to optimize your particular experience with us?
  10. How informative and transparent was the customer support consultant's instruction?

Product usage survey questions for your customer feedback

  1. How frequently do you use our products?
  2. Was our product easy to use?
  3. Rate our product's user friendliness from 1 to 10 (1 - hard to use 10 - easier to use)
  4. What changes you wnat us to make to our product that effectively meet your requirements?
  5. Did our product meet your the money value that you have spent on the porduct?
  6. Which functionalities are most important to you?
  7. What essential features are we lacking?
  8. What problem are you attempting to solve by working our product?
  9. How would you rate our products in comparison to those of our competitors?
  10. What other types of individuals might benefit from our product?
  11. How likely is it that you will suggest this product to your colleagues and others?

NPS survey questions for your customer feedback

  1. How likely are you, on a scale of 0 to 10, to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?

Read more: Net Promoter Score (NPS) - Easy Calculation Explained & 12 NPS Questions

Open-ended survey questions for your customer feedback:

  1. Which of our product's features is your favorite?
  2. What motivated you to give us a positive review?
  3. What frustrates you about this product?
  4. What impressed you the most about this product?
  5. How could we have greatly supported you in making better use of our product?
  6. How well does our product address your issue?
  7. What do you anticipate from customer support ever since you purchase a product?
  8. Who would you suggest our product to?
  9. What additional features perhaps you'd like to have on this product?
  10. What aspect of the product is simple to use?
  11. Describe your initial response to our product. How can we make your overall experience with the company better?
  12. What is the most important factor influencing your choice to alter brands?
  13. Explain your interaction with our customer service representatives. In what circumstances do you implement our product?
  14. How does your previous experience impact your choice to buy our product?
  15. What would you suggest to someone enquired you about this product?
  16. What is the most significant advantage you have gained from being used by our product?
  17. What were the foremost challenges you experienced while using our product?
  18. What would you modify about our product if you had a possibility?
  19. What issue does our product address for you?
  20. What are your quality expectations when considering buying comparable products?

Note: Do not ask more than 3 question from this tabular that, your assignee may feel to bored or annoying with too many open-ended questions.

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Further Readings:

Customer Survey to rate the satisfaction and tips on customer survey
In this blog we will look at what a customer survey on satisfaction is, its importance, 15 Best Practices for Conducting Customer Surveys, 11 Samples of Customer Survey Questions and tools
18 top open-ended survey questions to ask your online customers
If you work in marketing, product, sales, or user research, asking the proper survey questions allows you to collect feedback to build better customer experiences and, eventually, improve conversions as well as sales.
What is CX (Customer experience) - with examples & Strategies
Understand the importance of customer experience in the website management and learn why it is important in website analytics.